COVID Safe Policy

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Performing Dance Arts COVID-19 Safe Policy

2020/2021 Dance Season

*These procedures/guidelines are subject to change based on government restrictions and regulations.

Performing Dance Arts. Covid-19 Safety Practices & Policies for Reopening

We are SO excited to host you for our 2020/21 dance season and have prepared the following information to help you have a happy, healthy, and safe return to classes. Please review before your first class for the smoothest transition back to classes. We look forward to seeing you soon!!

Performing Dance Arts is a CANADIAN DANCE STANDARDS studio (

Performing Dance Arts follows the Safe Studio Guidelines for safety and wellness measures, including:

  • Wellness checks for staff
  • Frequent hand hygiene
  • Enhanced cleaning procedures
  • Minimizing mixing and mingling via physical distancing practices
  • Curricular and facility adjustments
  • Continuous parent communications
  • Hybrid classes offered for both in-studio and virtual options

Please see below for the specific way PDA is applying these guidelines to our reopening.

Wellness Checks for Staff & Clients

  • All teachers and staff members will receive regular and continuing safety training as it relates to preventing community spread of COVID-19.
  • All staff members are wellness checked before their shift.
  • Parents are asked to not send their children to class if they, or a member of their household, have a fever or respiratory symptoms.
  • Parents are asked to not send their children to class if they, or a member of their household, have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

Frequent Hand Hygiene

  • Employees will wash their hands and/or sanitize before and after each class.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the studio, including inside of all PDA. entry doors, inside of every classroom, and at our check-in stations. Students will be encouraged to wash hands and/or sanitize before and after classes.
  • Hand-washing posters are posted within bathrooms and classrooms.

Enhanced Cleaning Procedures

  • We have increased our cleaning frequencies and sanitation procedures in high traffic areas and high touch surfaces of the studio such as doors, viewing windows, barres, floors, counters, stereos, and bathrooms.
  • A fogger with hospital grade VitalOxide will be used to disinfect all studios every day.

Minimized Mixing and Mingling

  • We have made facility, scheduling, and curricular changes to reduce mixing and mingling in support of physical distancing recommendations.

Facility & Curricular Adjustments

  • Hand sanitizer will be available upon entry into the facility, as well as in each studio and at the front desk.
  • Street shoes must be removed and changed into indoor dance shoes.
  • Dancers will bring in all personal belongings into the studio. The dressing rooms will be off limits.
  • Frequent cleaning and disinfecting all areas of the studio will be completed throughout the day.
  • A full thorough clean and disinfecting of the entire facility at the end of each day.
  • A 5-10 minute break has been scheduled between each class to eliminate congestion (staggered arrival times).
  • All rooms will be sectioned off into spaces that are the required 6 feet apart.
  • No partner work in dance classes.
  • Our lobby will be closed to all parents with dancers ages 7 and over.
  • One parent will be allowed in the studio with dancers registered into class 6 and under.
  • Hand washing and sanitizing policies and procedures will be posted throughout the facility.
  • Dancers are to wash their hands before and after each class.

Arrival & Departure

  • All dancers must have their temperature checked when entering the building.
  • Dancers should arrive with their dance clothes for class on.
  • Please limit parent drop off to one person whenever possible. Sibling visitors cannot be accommodated during this term.
  • Our lobby will be closed to dancers age 7 and over and will be closed to all competitive company parents.
  • All dancers will exit using your studio’s designated exit and proceed to the Parent Waiting Area. Parents will be asked to wait at the Parent Waiting Area with their mask on until the dancers are released. At the end of class, parents must be in the designated Parent Waiting Area to receive their child. Dancers cannot walk across/through the parking lot to go to their parents for safety reasons.

Bathroom Use

  • We encourage all students to use the restroom at home before coming to class.
  • Bathrooms will be limited for emergencies and will be cleaned frequently.

Hybrid Option

  • All classes will be live streamed so dancers can take dance class from home if they are ill or unable to make it into the studio.


  • Masks must be worn at all times.
  • Parents must wear masks at all times including drop off/pick-up.

Suspected Case

  • If any child experiences any symptoms while at the studio, the child is isolated immediately, their temperature is taken and their parent is called for immediate pick up.
  • A pre-designated isolation space or “sickbay” has been created to ensure safe distancing for any suspected case. The child is within visual range of staff for supervision but extra safeguards are used (ie: barriers) to further reduce risk.
  • In the event of a suspected case, once the child has left, the “sickbay” is immediately, and thoroughly, disinfected.
  • For further information please consult our “sickbay” video by clicking the following link (Suspected Case Video).